Common Topic

Commonisation and the Global Recovery

Keywords: history, NWO, politics, language

The process by which the New World Order enacted a sweeping transformation of global society to change the main working language of government, media, science, technology, education, big business, and even public signage from a variety of natural, national languages to Common is known as 'Commonisation', or 'na Uxáfen' in Common. It took place at the very founding of the New World Order. It is little understood or discussed today for its true impact, because the New World Order refuses to look at this period in its history honestly and critically, and Britain was isolated from perceiving the full impact of the catastrophic collapse in the global status of English by the embargo. However, Commonisation was actually very key to the overall integration and transformation of Global society, and arguably was instrumental in the painful and protracted nature of the global recovery.

Modern New World Order xafenka (citizens), especially the elite and professional classes, have a curious historical blindness regarding the trauma of Commonisation, especially the younger people. They look back on it as a necessary process as part of the overall New World Order project to save humanity by eliminating the nation state and having all of humanity as one common family, and they tend to minimise or not think about just how difficult and painful that process was. Britons, on the other hand, have stories from refugees to give a viewpoint that is certainly more honest about the negativity of the process but also biased towards the viewpoints of its most bitter victims. The collapse in the global status of English would have hit Britons more heavily had the country not already been isolated by the tightening embargo and reeling from steadily falling local temperatures.

When I lived in the New World Order, I carefully cultivated relationships and trust with a number of older people who lived through the process, including in the elite and professional classes, and I was able to smuggle hours of surreptitiously recorded interviews back into Britain, helping to greatly enhance our understanding of this period of New World Order history. In this article, I will just give a brief introduction to the topic.

'Na Uxáfen' is the name of an official New World Order ideology/policy, as part of the wider policy of 'na Ate Atuinysyn', 'One People' and 'na Onpasyn', 'Globalism'. This last can be confusing, because 'Onpafisa', the official bedrock ideology of the New World Order is also translated as 'Globalism'. The distinction is that the former means 'globalism' more in the sense of 'globalisation', the policies designed to create a single, unified global polity arising from Onpafisa, the underlying belief system.

In my view, the closest parallel to the Uxáfen and Onpasyn period of New World Order history is the decades immediately following the Communist victory in China. Uxáfen is comparable to the Cultural Revolution, where the new Globalist state sought to eliminate all dissent from Globalism in any area of public influence, an explicit plank of the Globalist agenda. This was done in a climate of fear and pressure to denounce neighbours, colleagues and even family members. Arbitrary punishments to maintain the climate of fear were routine. Punishments ranged from public humiliation and forced public self-criticism and apologies, loss of professional standing and opportunities, to being essentially blacklisted from professions and cast into the horrifyingly impoverished lower classes, to deportations of one and one's whole family to broken and irradiated parts of the world, to torture disappearances and murders.

Uxáfen was a key strategy in this effort, perhaps the key strategy. People had to demonstrate their commitment to the Globalist state by learning this difficult new language and using it in practically every context outside the home, with pressure to use it in the home as well. The pressure to use it at home arose from the need to be practised when in public, and the fear of denunciation by neighbours or even family members.

The Akkatemi na Xafen Zisse was given an immense budget to codify the language, including creating or borrowing all technical vocabulary needed to perform any imaginable profession in the language, and training a vast army of teachers. Becoming a Common teacher was a ticket to a good life for many people, and Common teachers were the foot soldiers of the Order in communities around the world, often performing the role of Globalist inquisitors in their communities. Fanaticism was instilled in them as part of their training, and many were drawn to this task precisely because of their pre-existing fanaticism. Even those drawn to the profession for more prosaic, careerist reasons were under pressure to act as the foot soldiers of Globalist ideology.

Common teachers taught both children and adults. As second language speakers, these teachers were of decidedly varying quality. It was really the generation of children who learned from them who really began to establish Common's first language character.

Elite adults who didn't already know Common learned it from private tutors. Their children were sent to boarding schools, preferably out of state, where they mixed with children from around the world, learned Common from the best teachers, and were punished for speaking their native languages. It is this cohort in particular, who eventually wound up running the world, who really established the essential character of High Common.

The vast public infrastructure for teaching adults and children really focused on the professional class, who had to switch to this new language, even and especially in their professional life, to maintain their status and livelihood.

In general, all public education in languages other than Common was eliminated. Some private education in other languages persisted, but partaking in such services would get you watched by the local authorities or even by the Eyes, and no one with anything to lose would patronise such a business. The poor got what literacy they could in their native languages at home, and whatever education in Common they could in whatever local schools were available. In general, they had the least skilled Common teachers. Some amongst the lower classes, however, did learn Common, in order to navigate government services delivered only in Common, or for jobs working with the upper classes. A significant number even adopted Common as their home language, with the idea it would confer advantages. It is from this group and the children of the professional class that Low Common dialects developed.

Consider the horror of working in this period. A retired computer programmer of my acquaintance described the horrible and constant stress and panic to learn this language enough to keep working, and seeing coworkers who rebelled essentially cast into the streets with their families to starve. Language was not his strength and learning Common was a struggle. The AXZ ordered new versions of computer languages to be released with the English keywords replaced with Common keywords, and commenting your code in English could earn you a public self-denunciation, or worse.

Uxáfen was an explicit humiliation and forced act of submission to the Global state and its ideology, serving the same function that studying Mao and being able to recite Communist dogma would have done in China's Cultural Revolution. It represented a severing of old ties and a repudiation of old identities, and forging a new identity as a citizen of the world. However, rather than seeking to create a classless society, it sought to force the total and abject submission of the middle and upper classes, and used the desperate poverty of the burgeoning lower orders as a weapon to terrorise the people whose allegiance the Global state most craved.

This absorption of the entire society with this awful project had devastating economic consequences in addition to the terrible human impacts. The NWO liquidated or cast out much of its most intelligent and skilled human capital right when they were most needed to help humanity recover from a half century of disasters, and diverted the attentions of those who remained with a ruinously expensive and entirely unnecessary project to remake the very language of their professions. It severely degraded technical education, both in terms of disconnecting students from the corpus of existing materials in English, which were slow to obtain good-quality Common translations, and in forcing students to learn in a bizarre second language. Later, when a generation of students came up who had been educated partially or entirely in Common, they literally didn't have access to that prior body of work even if they were allowed access to it, because they lacked the competence in languages like English, and they were completely dependent on translations.

This process started in the original States and repeated over and over as the Order expanded. The drag on the overall economy and scientific and technological progress lasted at least two decades after the founding of the Order, into the '70s. It is very telling that the Order's economy is significantly larger and stronger on a per capita basis now than in the two decades after its founding. Granted, at that time the world was also recovering from the Global Collapse and the Middle East War, but since that time, the damage caused by global warming has gotten far worse, as we are still paying for the sins of the past despite the world overall moving to carbon neutrality - yet despite these advancing challenges, the world is doing better overall than when the environmental damage was less advanced.

The process proceeded very systamically over and over again, being refinsed as new states were added. Eventually, progress towards commonisation was tracked in a quantitative way by NWO bureaucrats, with routine, periodical calculation and reporting of metrics on 'na Uxáfenys Satukasyn', 'Commonisation Maturity'.

Certainly there are a lot of factors in the long, slow slog of the global recovery, which in many ways is still not close to complete - but the damage caused by the adoption of Common was absolutely a very significant contributor to setting humanity back from its road to recovery.


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