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Nuclear Power in the New World Order

Keywords: energy, nuclear, electricity

One of the New World Order's defining challenges throughout its existence has been to restore and maintain electrification while keeping anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions zero or negative. British observers have reported that the NWO seems to make very little use of nuclear power ('na karios lik'), despite its enormous potential to address these problems. In this article, we will explore the Order's relationship with nuclear energy, and why they seem to be so mysteriously reluctant to make use of its potential.

The Order has struggled with the challenge of electrification (na likcasyn) throughout its history, and even today, where access to electricity is at its highest level in generations, consistent electrification has not been achieved for any but the wealthiest. Part of the reason for this struggle is the challenge of maintaining the necessary infrastructure, but part of the challenge comes from the pressures of running an electrical grid entirely on renewable, carbon-neutral sources of power.

Nuclear power could easily address these challenges. Prior to the Collapse, almost the entire electrical grid of the nation of France was run on nuclear power - it is technically possible with technology more than a century old, and this approach can achieve very consistent electrification. The initial cost is high, but the subsequent power generation is very cheap. So the question on the minds of British observers is why isn't the Order doing this?

A popular opinion amongst British observers is that the Order does not use nuclear power because making people suffer with intermittent, unreliable electricity serves their purposes in controlling the population. A tactic like this would not be totally out of character for the NWO. However, having lived amongst the NWO elite class, I don't think this is the case. The NWO is an oligarchy, and is normally very transparent with its tactics with its ruling elite, albeit with significant spin. And this is not what the elite thinks.

The NWO elite is actually very deeply divided on the use of nuclear power, and this is a very emotional issue that can lead to very passionate arguments. In fact, the New World Order does get some of its energy from nuclear power and may move in the direction of bringing more reactors online, but at the moment, that is a topic of political debate amongst the elites and not a foregone conclusion which direction the Order will go in.

Short History of the Latter Nuclear Age

In order to understand why nuclear power is such a hot button issue amongst the global elite, it is necessary to understand some of the history of nuclear power.

The civilian use of nuclear power for electrical generation began in the 1950s. Nuclear weapons came first - the first nuclear bombs were developed by the United States during the Second World War and used against two Japanese cities, precipitating Japan's surrender and ending the war. As horrific as those weapons were, they paled in comparison to the power of the weapons that were developed subsequently.

Nuclear weapons would not be used again until the low-level nuclear exchange between Cascadia and Texas in the late 2030s, and the horrific nuclear exchanges throughout western and southern Asia of the Middle East War of the 2040s, around the time the New World Order was founded.

Nuclear energy, on the other hand, proliferated widely after it was first introduced in the 1950s, and at first was held up as a modern miracle of advanced, clean energy.

This all began to change by the 1970s, as concerns about the cost and safety of nuclear reactors caused a slowdown in new construction. This concern was crystallised by the Three Mile Island reactor meltdown (a 'meltdown' is a kind of dangerous and potentially devastating accident that is a risk of older reactor designs) in the United States, and several other high-profile disasters around the world in subsequent years. While nuclear power retained passionate defenders, and some advocated it as an important tool in the fight against climate change, there was a strong current of public opinion against nuclear power in much of the world.

Concerns about the disposal of long-lived, radioactive nuclear waste and the potential for nuclear materials to fall into the hands of terrorists also tended to turn people against nuclear power. Then there was the bad association with nuclear weapons, which, although they were never used again in warfare in the 20th century, were a potent source of legitimate fear.

So by the time of the Global Collapse, the existing nuclear reactors were decades old, coming towards end of life, and using antiquated technology. Although there was significant research into better, safer and more efficient reactor designs, there was little infrastructure implemented in terms of more modern reactor designs in commericial production.

The Collapse put a halt to any new construction. Reactors eventually had to be taken out of service due to age of the facilities and lack of resources to keep them going by new, overstretched governments. There were a number of high-profile disasters relating to facilities kept in service past their end of life undergoing meltdowns, and horrendous difficulties in establishing long-term storage for radioactive waste and transferring it from 'temporary' storage at the plants themselves. In addition, there were several incidences of terrorists managing to obtain nuclear materials and use them against the public, such as the dirty bomb attack by white nationalists against the city of Los Angeles in Cascadia in 2032.

So by the middle of the century, most civilian nuclear reactors were out of service, countries didn't have the stability or the resources to build new ones, and there was a deep horror of nuclear technology amongst most of the population on account of the litany of meltdowns, terrorist attacks and devastating nuclear wars that had occurred by 2050. This attitude was absolutely shared by the nascent elite class.

The New World Order instead focused on providing energy through 100% renewable sources, combined with various energy storage technologies. Despite having the technical know-how and ability to use nuclear power (in fact, their engineering knowledge was, if anything, much superior to that of the builders of the world's first generation of nuclear reactors), the NWO chose to accept the limitations that came from foregoing nuclear power.

Nuclear Power in the Free States

All of the Free States are nuclear powers possessing nuclear weapons. This is why they are free states. After the trauma of the mid-twenty-first century, the NWO has been unwilling to risk any more nuclear wars, and if they are unable to subvert a nuclear state, they instead cut it off from the outside world and wait it out.

Britain did once have a civilian nuclear energy program, but doesn't anymore. We obtain most of our electricity from wind and coal. All nuclear reactors in operation in Britain today are for military, scientific or medical applications, and Britain's limited supply of fissile material is very carefully hoarded. We don't have any significant new sources.

Quebec, on the other hand, seems to have a significant stockpile of uranium that they inherited from Canada, and has actually built many new reactors since the Collapse. Quebec says publicly that its modern reactors are thorium-based designs. Given that Quebec has both a stockpile of fissile uranium and its own sources of thorium, this would be a very reliable, long-term source of power for the state.

Most of Quebec's electricity comes from hydroelectricity from its huge northern watershed and from nuclear reactors. Quebec has the most reliable electrical grid in the world, surpassing both Britain and the New World Order. I can personally attest to this - when I was in Quebec, I never saw the power go down at all. Whatever electricity woes Quebec has tend to be related to the electrical grid itself, especially in rural areas, but Quebec possesses its own copper mines and is able to maintain a grid.

Quebec's elites and ordinary citizen alike seem to be very proud of Quebec's accomplishments in nuclear power. While there are some local opponents, Quebec is a dictatorship and does not tolerate protest or dissenting voices in its media, and Quebec's strong safety record with nuclear power has helped to maintain a generally positive overall public opinion.

Acadia, as a puppet state of Quebec, has a less reliable eletrical grid than its patron, but is able to buy power from Quebec, and also has a single, small nuclear power station in Bathurst that it bought from Quebec.

We do not have reliable information about Israel, South Korea and Japan, but the indications seem to be that the latter two countries have stockpiles of nuclear material and appear to be using nuclear power in their energy mix. Both countries appear to be very bright at night when flying overhead, indicating they have reliable electricity. This is a reversal for Japan, which pre-Collapse was denuclearising its grid in response to the Fukushima disaster. Nuclear power is thought to be the the main or sole source of electricity for Israel and the key to that State's ongoing survival.

Nuclear Power in the New World Order Today

New World Order law requires Global Government approval to build and operate any nuclear facility, and any such facility must comply with strict standards of safety and security and must submit to Global Department of Energy inspections on a routine basis. Such approvals have been given out sparingly, and most often in states which have governments that are more enthusiastic about nuclear power.

Nuclear power is incredibly controversial amongst the global elite. The concerns are around high start up costs, safety, disposal of waste, and potential security concerns around nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands. Those who are against it are very emotional and adamant, and this passion is often matched on the pro-nuclear side. The older generation tends to be steadfastly anti-nuclear - the oldest were children or young adults during the nuclear wars of the 21st century, and nuclear technology is permanently tainted for them. It is the rise of a new, more technophilic generation that feels secure in New World Order power and doesn't remember the wars that have brought nuclear power to a slow comeback.

The projects that have been approved have been very advanced designs, and until recently, often research reactors rather than full-blown gigawatt power stations. The first of these providing power for major states and cities have only started to come online in a significant way in the last decade or so. The hope of proponents is that the physical demonstration of the safety and benefits of these stations will eventually turn elite opinion around enough that the support will be there to roll back some of the stifling regulation and build these stations out in a concerted way. The ultimate hope is that such a program would eventually return the Order to early 21st century levels of consistent electrification without any new carbon emissions other than those associated with the build.

In my experience, the attitudes of the ordinary NWO public closely mirror the division seen amongst the elites. The opinions of these classes, however, mostly don't matter in terms of the direction of public policy. The NWO elite can be somewhat influenced by the professional class, however, with whom they have the closest ties outside their own class. Therefore, one tactic employed by elite proponents of nuclear power has been to try and drum up support amongst the professional class, by promising that the new generation of reactors is safe and will provide them with more reliable and cheaper electricty.

I believe there is strong potential for the New World Order to undergo a shift towards the use of nuclear power as a major part of its energy production, especially if the current, authorised experiments in modern reactor designs have promising results, and as a generation with no memory of the nuclear horrors of the last century comes into its prime. The implications for the planet over the long term are potentially troubling, and the impacts may ultimately depend on the nature of the technologies the NWO adopts for a second nuclear age.


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