Common Lexeme


Keywords: economics, medicine

Pronunciation (IPA): jun 
Part of Speech: term verb noun 
Class: happat 
Forms: jun, junka, junkas, junca, juncas, junkija, junkijas, junys, junysyn 
Glosses: share, spread, infect, contagion, disease, contagious, vector, transmission, disease-ridden, infect, infected, infectee 


The base meaning of 'jun' is 'share'. It originally had a relatively positive connotation, it meant an act of giving where the giver also kept the thing given, like dividing and sharing food. It can still be used this way, but during the pandemics of the middle period, it became the main Common verb for talking about the spread of disease, and thus took on a more sinister tone.

The sense of 'spread' is purely this kind fo sharing, not the idea in English if spreading a substance into a thin, even layer. 'Jun' can also be used for the concept of sharing and spreading content on social media, or as a verb of communication referring to spreading rumours - it is often although not always used with an implied negative connotation about the intent behind the act or the results.

In the early modern period, the loanword 'kontac' was borrowed into the language to talk about contagion in a purely clinical and technical sense. It lacks the additional uses pertaining to sharing and communication that 'jun' carries from its history and is often used for distancing.


As a verb, 'jun' is a ditransitive happat verb of giving. It takes an  ergative sharer, an absolutive thing shared, and a dative recipient. When referring to a disease, the ergative subject is the vector of disease, the absolutive object is the disease, and the dative indirect object is the entity which is infected. When used as a verb of communication, it works exactly like 'zisse' except with the added negative connotation is ill intent or bad result.

'Jun' is often used in a skurun disintentive form with the dative indirect object removed where it has the sense of 'spread around indiscriminately'.


As a noun, 'jun' means the act of sharing or spread in general or a specific act of sharing. In the context of talking about disease, it refers to the condition of a contagion spreading through a community.

The derived form 'junca' is a word for a vector of disease, 'junka' refers to a disease agent or contagion or a disease in general, and 'junkija' is an infectee. The abstractified form 'junysyn' can be used to refer to sharing or the spread of contagion in a broader sense. Note that the derived forms tend to adhere more strongly to the new sense of contagion rather than the old sense of sharing.


The modifier form 'junkas' means 'contagious' and 'junkijas' means 'infected'. 'Juncas' is hard to translate succinctly but refers to the quality of spreading disease (it used to mean 'generous'). 'Junys' means having the quality of community transmission - a community in which a disease is spreading could be referred to as 'junys'. It would earlier have meant more like having the quality of helping one another,

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