The Great Game: Kanhlengo Topic


Many traditional Kanhlengi names come from Old Kanhlengo, while some are transliterations from Arabic and Slavic names. Here is a list of the twelve most common names:
* Dahedak (believed to mean "good friend", see dahüet and dæk)
* Dedak (believed to mean "friend of the world", se de and dæk)
* Geftedak (believed to mean "true friend", se geftë and dæk)
* Hlefægep (believed to mean "spark" or "ember", see hlefæg and -(ü)ëp)
* Hsenët (from Jennet)
* Hüekddeva (believed to mean "born on a stormy night", see hüëk and ddëvæ)
* Kæhlovi (believed to mean "horse child", see kæhlo and viüë)
* Mehlëk (from Melek)
* Mësokep (believed to mean "white face", see mëhso and kepxu)
* Sahsa (from Sasha)
* Sæsohle (believed to mean "born on a hill of serpents", see hle, hsæhso)
* Vahlædimir (from Vladimir)
Kanhlengi names are not inherently gendered, as the pre-nominal particle identifies gender (e.g., "di Dedak" is a man named Dedak while "ta Dedak" is a woman named Dedak). Sometimes, these particles appear when translating a name. For instance, a person named Dedak in Kanhlengo may go by Didedak, Tadedak, or Sodedak in English, depending on their gender identity.
As for surnames, since Kanhlengi take the surname of their older spouse, most Kanhlengi surnames are simply Kanhlengi first names suffixed with -fi or -si, such as Sahsafi (meaning "Sasha's heart") or Geftedaksi (meaning "Geftedak's love). For instance, a Sahsa would marry someone who becomes a Sahsafi who then marries somebody else who also becomes a Sahsafi and so forth down the marriage line. Individuals who do not marry do not have a surname (as they do not have a marriage line) and in the rare event that an never-married person marries someone younger than theirself, then they typically create a new marriage line.
While most Kanhlengi use a more modern style (e.g., "ta Dedak Sahsafi"), a full Kanhlengo name is traditionally stylized with the first name connected to the last name with "ge nemëne" (who is like), so for instance: "ta Dedak ge nemëne Sahsafi". If they were a Kanhlengi immigrant in an English speaking country though, they would probably go by "Tadedak Sahsafi." However, mistakes on naturalization documents have lead to "Genemëne" as being listed as their middle name or part of their last name. As a result, "Genemëne" has become a common name among Kanhlengi descendants, even though it strikes native speakers as bizarre.


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